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As this challenging and intense year comes to a close, many agents are looking to establish more of a balance in 2021. When you find a balance between all of your endeavors, you can achieve phenomenal success without burning out. The key is to figure out how to maximize your time and energy in both your business and your life. Here are some small adjustments you can make in your routines right now to yield big results in the coming year.

Set Priorities

Effective time management is absolutely essential for success. Sit down and really take stock of how you spend your time. You might be surprised to see how much of your day is wasted on activities that are not generating income, such as surfing online or running errands. To accomplish more, list all of your priorities, putting them in order from least to most important. You should cover all the major areas of life: spiritual, family, business, financial and personal. How are you doing in each area? Are you wasting precious hours on pointless tasks that drain you of energy and focus? If so, it’s time to eliminate these nonessentials. You must devote the bulk of your day to the things that matter most.

Be Intentional With Your Energy

We all have limited resources of time and energy, so it’s crucial that we’re intentional with our reserves. Think of your time as a jar, and put the top priorities, such as appointments with qualified buyers and sellers, in first. Everything else is secondary. By scheduling these essential activities first, you will protect them from the so-called “urgent” fires that break out and distract you during the day. Don’t focus on how packed your schedule is; focus on how efficiently you can tackle these nonnegotiable tasks and get them ticked off your list. A top tip is to put your phone on airplane mode when you’re in the zone.

Leave Room for Growth

When you feed your mind, you feed the desire that we all have for growth and improvement, and you become more fulfilled and confident as a result. We’re all better when we’re growing, so set aside a dedicated hour or two a week for learning. You could brush up on a business skill, tackle a new hobby or listen to a motivational podcast. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Relax and Recharge

Self-care is vital to achieving balance. Don’t feel guilty for taking care of yourself. You need to fill your own tank first before you can help others. Take time to refresh and recharge every day. You could start your morning with a walk or a quiet meditation to focus on gratitude, goals and inspiration, for example. During the day, plan short time-outs to take a quick breather and reset between tasks or appointments. Finally, use the weekend to relax as much as possible so you can get after it again with energy and passion on Monday morning.

If you want to be less stressed and more productive, commit to a real estate training program that teaches how to build a business that lasts while achieving balance. The Pathway to Mastery®—Essentials is a great start. Find out more today.

Brian Buffini immigrated to San Diego from Ireland in 1986 and became a top-performing REALTOR®. He then founded Buffini & Company to share his powerful lead-generation system. Buffini & Company has trained more than 3 million people in 37 countries and coaches more than 25,000 business pros. Today, Brian’s a New York Times best-selling author and reaches over 8 million listeners a year through “The Brian Buffini Show” podcast. For more, visit