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RE/MAX, LLC recently announced the addition of four vendors to the RE/MAX Approved Supplier program.

All services and materials are available for purchase directly through the RE/MAX Marketplace, the online portal exclusively available to RE/MAX agents in the U.S. and Canada—often at RE/MAX negotiated rates.

New members of the RE/MAX Approved Supplier program include:

MoveEasy: A free, fully automated, white labeled moving and home management concierge platform, that allows homebuyers, sellers, and renters to complete many of their moving tasks in one platform. The platform can assist with finding a mortgage provider, booking their movers, setting up internet and cable, getting home security, switching utilities and even changing addresses. Users can call their concierge, activate Alexa or Google Home, or use their branded mobile app.

Listing to Leads: Listing to Leads is an automated marketing and lead generation tool that changes with an affiliate’s listing status to help agents generate new buyer, seller and referral leads at every stage of the listing.

Real Grader and Instacard: Real Grader was developed to measure, manage and maximize digital presence. Their objective is to raise your grade on essential professional and social media sites while building a strong unified digital brand online.
Instacard makes it easy to share contact info, social media and all relevant sites easily by text.

Real Estate Shows: Real Estate Shows provides automated real estate video tours. They’ve helped more than 500,000 agents produce a Real Estate Show. Affiliates tell Real Estate Shows the property address and shows are automatically created in anywhere from one to two minutes.

Many of the companies in the RE/MAX Approved Supplier program offer exclusive discounts to RE/MAX agents.

For more information, please visit www.remax.com.
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