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RISMedia is excited to announce that Candace Adams—president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England, New York and Hudson Valley Properties—will be heading up an industry-leading panel of real estate experts at the company’s 2024 Real Estate’s Rocking in the New Year virtual event on Thurs., Jan. 11, 2024. 

Click here to register! 

Adams’ panel, “Luxury and Upscale Marketing in 2024,” will cover how the luxury real estate market is an important component of broker and agent success. Catering to today’s affluent homebuyers and sellers, succeeding in luxury means understanding the critical nuances of marketing to and working with an upscale clientele. 

Adams says there are first steps an agent should take to get started working in high-end markets.

“One good strategy is to partner with someone who is already successful in the luxury market,” she notes. “Be present where luxury consumers show up, whether in the community you serve or the affluent destination of your prospective clients. Networking and becoming the discreet, trusted source will build your business.”

Don’t miss this year’s impressive lineup of real estate leaders, Power Brokers, industry experts, top agents and premier coaches, who will offer valuable insights to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in the evolving market. This event will equip you with strategies to excel in today’s dynamic real estate market right from the start. Embrace change and win with Real Estate’s Rocking in the New Year 2024.

Click here to register!