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Bright MLS has announced that its “Open Housing Marketplace” campaign, designed to increase awareness about a fair housing market, has been selected as a two-category winner (Responsible Technology and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in the 3rd Annual Anthem Awards.

Launched in 2021 by The Webby Awards, The Anthem Awards honors the purpose and mission-driven work of people, companies and organizations worldwide, according to a release. This year’s Anthem Award Winners were selected from a pool of over 2,000 submissions from 44 countries by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS).

Bright stated that its campaign was designed to raise awareness of the critical role the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) plays in supporting equal access to housing. Consumer-facing campaign assets were created to educate and encourage support of the fair and open housing marketplace. The campaign garnered over two million consumer impressions in a two-month period, with much higher-than-normal click-through and completion rates.

“Today, big questions loom over how the real estate industry will operate in the future. The consumer—and ultimately the dream of homeownership—stand to be the biggest losers. That’s why I am incredibly proud of the internal Bright team who developed this powerful campaign,” said Amit Kulkarni, Bright MLS Amit Kulkarni, Bright MLS chief marketing officer. “With real estate making up roughly one-third of the United States GDP, equitable access to housing has never been more important—for the benefit of us all, we cannot stand idly by as we consider going back to a time where real estate was traded based on what you look like, who you are, and who you know.”

“The Anthem Awards were born out of the desire to amplify and celebrate the voices that are creating sustainable change and to inspire others to take action,” said Patricia McLoughlin, Anthem Awards general manager. “In a year where so much is at stake, it is incredibly important to recognize impact work and celebrate the progress happening globally. Congratulations to all of this year’s Winners.” 

For more information, visit https://www.brightmls.com/home.