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In just a few short weeks, 2021 will be upon us. Are you ready to seize the opportunity? Here’s what you can do today to improve your chances of success come the new year.

  1. Find at least two ways to increase your efficiency.

Buyer demand has been unusually strong this fall, and with mortgage rates still hovering around record-setting lows, there’s a good chance that continues well into 2021.

If you want a shot at taking advantage of these prime conditions, then freeing yourself up from more menial tasks is critical. That might mean:

– Using automation tools to handle your email marketing, scheduling or lead qualifying processes.
– Bringing in a virtual assistant to handle your administrative tasks.
– Utilizing the tools your broker gives you.
– Building a stronger network and focusing more on pre-qualified leads.
– Time-blocking your schedule.

Taking just a few of these steps will allow you to handle more clients, serve those clients more effectively and, ultimately, better leverage the strong market we expect to see in 2021.

  1. Master your virtual property offerings.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for virtual service has surged. Buyers want tours via FaceTime or Zoom, and sellers want virtual tours, 3D walk-throughs and other listing add-ons in hopes of limiting foot traffic in their personal properties.

Mastering these services will be one of the major keys to success next year. That means having the tools, vendors or personal know-how to create:

– Digital walk-throughs
– Video tours
– Live virtual tours
– Marketing videos

  1. Up your content marketing and thought leadership game.

Today’s buyers are a savvy bunch, and often, they’re not choosing the first agent they find or meet. This is especially true in larger markets, where hundreds—even thousands—of agents are at their disposal.

To make sure you can set yourself apart from the competition, invest some time into content marketing and establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise. That might mean posting blogs about the local market or home-buying in general, getting more active on social media or replying to queries and getting quoted in industry publications.

Grow your skills and know-how, too. The most successful agents are the ones who keep learning. If you’re looking to up your game in 2021, consider taking a course to grow your skills. At Real Estate Express, we offer courses in real estate marketing, property management, social media success, referral building and more.

Real Estate Express is one of the nation’s premier online real estate schools, providing pre- and post-licensing courses, continuing education courses and professional development to hundreds of thousands of real estate agents across the country. Real Estate Express, along with its sister schools McKissock LearningSuperior School of Real EstateAllied SchoolsThe Institute for Luxury Home Marketing and Hondros Education Group, helps real estate professionals achieve sustainable success throughout each stage of their real estate career. Learn more at