Moving Tips for Families
Moving can be stressful for anyone, but when you are a family with children facing a move, it becomes overwhelming easily. Thankfully, like all things in life, a little planning can go a long way to make the process go smoothly. To keep the moving process more exciting than challenging—especially for children—these moving tips for families are key.
Start Early
Keep stress minimal by starting early. An early start can ensure that packing and moving don’t become a last-minute hurdle. Start by making a detailed moving timeline that includes tasks like decluttering, packing and hiring movers–ensure you fully understand what your expected deadlines will be and plan in buffer time for unexpected obstacles. Early planning allows you to spread out the workload, have enough time for sufficient research when hiring movers or helpers, and will help at reducing stress and keep everyone in good spirits.
Donate Before Packing
Decluttering is essential before a big move. Moving is costly and time-consuming, and the more items you own, the more difficult the process can be. Invest in yourself and your community by reducing your moving stress and donating excess items to those in need. Kids can get involved by understanding the importance of giving and going through any excess toys or clothing. Remember to assure children that they do not have to part with anything they consider special; after all, you don’t want to make the moving process more stressful or upsetting for children.
Plan for a Sitter
Children should be involved in part of the moving and packing process. This can ensure they feel included and excited about the event. However, having children underfoot during the heavy lifting (no pun intended) can reduce productivity and even be a safety hazard. Keep your young children occupied by having a sitter during the important moving days.
Explore the New Neighborhood Together
Change can be scary and challenging for children. Keep your kids excited about the potential associated with a new move by touring the neighborhood together. Find your favorite walking paths, nearby parks and look for common restaurants that the whole family already enjoys. Finding familiarity and exciting newness can help reduce the anxiety of a move for children.
When they seem nervous about missing home, you can remind them of the similar places they will still get to experience. Reminding kids of the special nearby park you want to explore can help them remember that change can be fun and bring new adventures.