Information is brought to you by
Mark Frisco
CENTURY 21 New Millennium

Add Some Light and Life to Your Rooms

Want to brighten up a room but don’t have the time to paint or the budget to add a window?

Consider the following easy fixes:

Hang a mirror. Hang a mirror (or lean a large one against a wall) to toss light around your room and open it up.

Add metallics. Golds and silver accents will make any space sparkle. Think picture frames, fixtures, lamps and decorative items like vases or candle holders.

Freshen with flowers. A floral pop can brighten a room, especially with fresh flowers. Add a bouquet to a table for a bit of vibrancy.

Think yellow or white. While light colors may show dirt and grime, white and yellow accents can brighten an area, fast. Add white and yellow throw pillows, swap out the duvet on your bed or hang a new set of curtains.

Declutter. Last but not least, a clutter sweep will help brighten your space up. Stack books, toss old magazines, fold the laundry, nix the knick-knacks and your home will thank you for it.