3 Easy Steps to Appliance-Free Coffee
Being able to make good cup of coffee is a pretty essential life skill. Being able to make it without fancy tools like drip machines or French presses? Now, that’s impressive!
It’s also especially helpful if you live in a small home where counter space is at a premium, or if you’ve just moved and haven’t had a chance to unpack yet, or if you happen to be camping in the Canadian wilderness. Here’s how to get your brew on the old-fashioned way.
Step 1: Boil Water
Turn on your stove and bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. Water should be in equal proportion to the amount of coffee you want. If you want 2 cups of coffee, measure in 2 cups of water, and so on.
Step 2: Add Your Ground Coffee
Once you’ve got your water boiling away, add your ground coffee directly into the water. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of grounds for every 1 cup, (1 cup is equal to 8 oz.). You can add more depending on how strong you prefer your coffee. Once you’ve done this a few times, you can adjust to your liking. Immediately after you’ve added your coffee, cover the pot with a lid and turn off the stove.
Step 3: Let it Steep
To get robust coffee without over boiling the grounds and making them bitter, let the pot sit for about five minutes, or until the grounds have sunk to the bottom. Then, ladle it into your mug using a coffee filter or a very fine sieve.
That’s it! Impress friends and family with your kitchen skills, while serving coffee that’s rich and flavourful.