How to Support Better Vision
For desk jockeys, or anyone who spends long hours staring at a screen, it’s important to pay mind to your vision. And while it can be hard to undo eye damage once it’s done, you can try to stay abreast of eyesight deterioration with the following tips:
Eat for eye support. While diet can’t better your vision once it’s impaired, you can eat for eye support. Focus on foods with essential fatty acids, minerals like copper and zinc, beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E.
Roll your eyes. Turns out, a sense of sarcasm might help you see better. To strengthen your eye muscles, stop your desk-work three times a day and do the following eye roll exercise: Look up, then slowly circle 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.
Practice focus. Staring at a screen all day can impair your eye’s range of focus. To help, hold an item like a pencil or pen an arm’s length away. Train your eyes on it, and then slowly bring the pencil closer, keeping your gaze locked on it, until the pencil is six inches from your nose. Then reverse the direction. Do this exercise five times, two to three times per day.
Pick a point. Once every hour (set your timer for this!) look away from your desk and stare at a point six or more feet away for twenty to thirty seconds.