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How to Keep the Inside of Your Car Clean

No one likes a crumby car seat or a dashboard covered in dust. But as our lives get busier, it seems our cars get dirtier. Below are tips for keeping your car cleaner.

Install a “no-eat” policy. This may be hard for those of us who practically live out of our cars, but by not eating in your vehicle, you will naturally reduce the level of mess inside.

Add a trash bag. Hang a small bag in your car to place receipts and paper trash in. Empty the bag once a week.

Carry a cleaning kit. Keep a rag and bottle of all-purpose cleaner in your trunk to wipe down your dash and doors once a week.

Consider an “odds and ends” bin. Place a small plastic bin or box on the floor in your backseat for umbrellas, books heading to the library, that extra sweater, etc. By containing your necessary clutter, your space will appear cleaner.