Daily Habits to Support Physical and Mental Health
Between work, family, social lives and hobbies, it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Below are a few things you can do to safeguard your physical and mental health:
Call a Friend
While our lives may be too busy to see our friends regularly, calling a loved one every day can help you feel a sense of community and belonging.
Touch Your Toes
While hitting the gym or going for a walk are great ways to exercise, remember to stretch your muscles. At least once a day, take 5 to 10 minutes to stretch your limbs and get your blood flowing.
Learn Something New
If you’re no longer in school that doesn’t mean you can’t continue learning. Every day take 15 minutes to choose an interesting article to read or listen to a podcast that can help you gain a perspective you may not have had before.
Rest should not occur only when you sleep. Take time daily to do something soothing for yourself, like reading a book with a cup of tea, taking a bath, snuggling with a partner or walking your pup.
Spend 10 minutes a day writing down your thoughts and feelings. This is helpful to look back on later and gain insight and perspective. Don’t like to write? Take photos, draw a picture—just do something creative you can look back on to mark the passing of time.