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How to Move Without Losing It

Moving is all about perspective. Canadians are pretty laid back, and most of us would rather focus on the excitement of moving into what might be our first home or stepping up into a larger home or downsizing into a smaller home, condo or apartment. We can make it an adventure or a tedious chore.

Here’s a timetable you might want to incorporate into your moving plans:

Sixty to 30 days before: Get all your boxes and reserve your movers. It’s a good idea to schedule your move in the middle of the month since you’ll be able to save a sizeable chunk of cash in doing so—about 30 per cent. Avoiding the end of the month peak time is to your advantage.

Thirty days before: Declutter your home. Why move those items that you haven’t been using? You can give them away or donate them to charity. A good rule of thumb? If you haven’t used it or seen it in a year, it’s time for it to go. Maybe your Aunt Mary needs that rice cooker that’s been collecting dust.

Two to three weeks before: Make the climb to the attic if you have one. You probably will have forgotten what’s up there. The attic may be the place you store your holiday decorations or your now grown kids’ toys. The attic and basement are the first places you should clean out before beginning your packing. These are the things that you won’t miss if they’re sitting a box for a few weeks.

Two weeks before: Work on a kit that you will be able to take with you from place to place (if your move is local). It can include things like cleaning items, toilet paper, scissors or an X-Acto knife. If you have kids, create a kit for them, as well, since they may find the move stressful. Fill it with books, puzzles and smaller toys.

One week before: Think about unloading when you’re packing. Make sure you write the contents of each box on the upside. Newspaper makes great packing paper, so forget about spending all that money on bubble wrap.

Move-in day: Set up your beds first, because by the end of the day, you’re going to need them. Unpack some essential kitchen items next, then move out to the less used areas like hallways. You don’t need the chaos of unpacking everything at once. Take it easy and enjoy your new home.