7 Reasons Your Home Isn't Selling
If you’re scratching your head as to why your house has been on the market for a while and still hasn’t sold, you might want to continue reading.
You’ve been getting a few bites, but nothing solid. Here are some of the top reasons your home may still not have a sold sign on its lawn:
The price is out of whack. Some Canadian sellers opt to list their homes for higher prices than recently comparable homes have sold for. A home is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. That’s the bottom line. If you’re adamant on selling sooner rather than later, you need to seriously consider talking to your REALTOR® about a price decrease.
Lacking in curb appeal. When you remove yourself emotionally from your home and put yourself in the purchaser’s seat, would looking at the outside of your home make you want to see the inside? If you’re honest and the answer is a resounding “no,” then it’s time to pretty up your home’s exterior. Do some weeding, water the lawn, plant colourful flowers, trim the shrubs, add decorative planters—whatever it takes to pull purchasers inside.
Clutter is a killer. You want purchasers walking through your home to notice the layout, and the homeyness. If all they can see is stuff, they’re likely to walk away fast. It’s imperative that you get rid of any clutter. Think Zen. Clean, pristine and uncluttered, and living like a minimalist.
True grit. If you lack cleaning skills and your surroundings could really use a deep cleaning, you might want to enlist the help of a cleaning company. You have to think about everything that’s visible to a purchaser, including that pile of laundry you’ve been meaning to get to. Shelling out some money to get some cleaning help will be well worth it if it helps your house to sell.
Too personalized. You want a purchaser to think of your house as theirs. By removing your personal items, they’ll be more apt to have that vision. You want them to see where they can hang their vacation and family photos instead of seeing yours all over the place.
Staying during showings. Nothing makes purchasers feel more uncomfortable than sellers who stick around when they’re going through the home. They will feel intimidated to have a really good look around. Your REALTOR® will answer any questions they might have, so there’s no need for you to follow them from room to room, or to even be there at all.
Your interior design tastes are “distinctive.” It’s great that you have unique taste when it comes to decorating or design, but a purchaser may not share your vision. If you’ve chosen bold colours that may not be to everyone’s taste, repainting your home in neutral tones may help it to sell more quickly.