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Selling a Home? An Open House May Not Be Enough

As technology continues to advance every industry, real estate has certainly not been left behind, despite it being one of the few industries that necessitates in-person transactions. Virtual tours have become increasingly popular as a way for buyers to narrow down their search, particularly for buyers from out of town. Here’s why you should consider investing in a virtual tour instead of sticking to an open house alone.

Decreases the amount of times you’ll need to vacate your home. Since buyers can more easily decide if the home is the right fit for them or not through the virtual tour, it means that you’ll have less people coming in and out of your home, and less time spent vacating it for people who, at the end of the day, were never seriously considering buying your home.

Allows for buyers from everywhere. In terms of getting the best offer on your home, you’ll want to have as many eyeballs on it as possible. A virtual tour means that even if someone can’t physically make it to the open house, they can still get a good feel for it and perhaps even decide to buy it without stepping foot in it. Someone might be interested in a vacation property but not be able to make their way to your town for months, choosing to buy based on the virtual tour.

You won’t have to keep your home spotless for as long. The never-ending stress of having open house viewings can put a strain on day-to-day life. Since a virtual tour will weed out non-buyers from viewing your home in-person, you’ll have more time to yourself without worrying that you might have messed up the perfect staging the agent set up.

So, what are the downsides? Of course, like anything else, there is a downside. Virtual tours can be expensive to produce, and it will cost you a little extra. It all depends on which kind of tour you want, as there are a variety of options. If you go for a fully interactive, 3D-modeled walkthrough tour, that’s going to be a lot more expensive than the standard click-and-drag photo tour.