Boosting Your Productivity With a Fresh Start
Are you someone who stays in bed until the last minute and then bolts into action, with not a thought toward the state of your sheets? Or do you like to start the day by shaking out your blankets and making your bed precisely? Turns out that if you’re into the latter, it might just be the easiest way to boost your daily productivity.
Study results say yes. A recent survey by Best Mattress Brand profiled 1,000 people—500 habitual bed makers and 500 non-bed makers—to find out whether making their beds positively impacted their productivity or mood. The result? The study showed that, yes, taking those few moments to make your bed can improve both those elements.
Smooth sheets, smooth start? The interviews in this study showed that the simple act of making one’s bed increased feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction, not just in the moment, but throughout the day, as well. The study found that almost three in four participants who made their bed in the mornings felt accomplished at the end of the day.
Building good habits. Another item the study found was that starting the day off by making one’s bed also encouraged people to stick to other routine habits throughout the day, including chores and making healthy eating choices. They were likely to remain organized, follow routines and engage in healthy recreation.
Starting small is key. One core idea that emerged throughout the study was that starting the completion of a small task set the tone for the day. Eighty-two percent of bed makers expressed the idea that this simple feeling of accomplishment—also called a keystone –encouraged them to be productive all day long.