Pros and Cons of Buying a House in a Subdivision
If you’re searching for a new home, you might want to consider looking in a subdivision. You could find a house with amenities that homes in other neighborhoods lack, but there are some downsides to consider.
What Are Houses Like in a Subdivision?
Houses in a subdivision were most likely built by the same construction company. Therefore, they will be around the same age and may all have a similar style, or a handful of styles may be repeated throughout the neighborhood. They’ll also probably be similar in size, unless some homeowners have built additions.
Homes in a subdivision may have some standard amenities that aren’t typically found in houses that were built individually and scattered throughout other communities. If you’re looking for a master suite or a house constructed with the most energy-efficient materials, you may be more likely to find those features in a subdivision than in other areas.
Other Characteristics of a Subdivision
Subdivisions are generally built outside the center of a city. That means they may not be close to stores, restaurants, parks and other places you visit frequently. That could be a problem if you don’t have a car, or you might wind up spending a lot more than you would like on gas and vehicle maintenance.
Houses in a subdivision are generally close together. That can be a good thing if you like to spend time with your neighbors and your kids make friends in the community. You may also feel safer knowing that other people are around and that neighbors can keep an eye on your home if you go on vacation. The proximity could be a problem, however, if you prefer privacy and your neighbors like to socialize.
A subdivision is often governed by a homeowners association. Fees are typically charged for maintenance, landscaping and insurance coverage for common areas, such as a community pool and tennis courts. The fees may be several thousand dollars per household per year. An HOA may have rules governing everything from the colors people can paint their houses to landscaping, fencing, use of yards, where vehicles can be parked, and when and how residents can decorate their homes. Some people like the fact that everyone is held to a consistent standard to maintain the appearance of the neighborhood, but others are frustrated by the lack of freedom.
Is Life in a Subdivision Right for You?
A house in a subdivision may have the amenities and sense of community you want, but it may also have an overwhelming number of restrictions. Before you decide to buy a house in a subdivision, make sure you understand the rules and discuss the pros and cons with your real estate agent.