5 Morning Habits You Should Avoid
Whether you’re a morning person or not, there’s a difference between a great morning and one you dread. Avoid these five sneaky habits if you want to be your most productive early in the day.
Waking up at inconsistent times. Are you up at 6 a.m. during the week and a major sleep-in enthusiast during on the weekends? While hitting the snooze button a Saturday can feel great in the moment, sticking to a schedule actually encourages you sleep better and makes it easier to get up in the mornings.
Skipping breakfast. Besides forgoing important nutrients, skipping breakfast usually means you’re not sticking to a routine. Make time in the morning for a nutritious breakfast, even if it’s fast, and you’ll be less likely to get hangry by lunchtime.
Checking email or social media. It’s easy enough to reach over and grab your phone first thing in the morning, but scrolling through social media or peeking at your email is a sure way to either lose track of time (hello Instagram!) or feel stressed before you’ve made it into work.
Things you forgot last night. It pays to set yourself up for success the night before. Whether that’s packing your work bag, assembling breakfast items or selecting an outfit, take care of these in advance so your morning feels a bit less rushed.
Hitting the snooze button. While it might be tempting, rarely does hitting the snooze button result in quality sleep between alarms. If you’re really finding it impossible to get up on the first try, consider going to bed 30 minutes earlier the night before.