How to Keep Animals and Insects out of Your Shed
Animals and insects seek out shelter, food and water wherever they can find them, and sheds are often their best option. Pests will squeeze through small holes or make their own to get into a shed. Then, once they’re inside, they’ll make meals out of the shed’s contents, leave waste and sometimes reproduce.
Don’t Attract Pests
Insects and animals such as raccoons are drawn to garbage. Raccoons will tip over trash cans and spread garbage around, and insects will lay eggs. Keep trash out of your shed.
If you store anything in your shed that animals or insects could eat, such as seeds for your garden, birdseed or pet food, keep the food source in strong, airtight containers. You should also keep compost, potting soil and sawdust out of the shed. If you store wood in your shed, place plastic under and over it to keep insects away.
Insects such as mosquitoes are attracted to standing water. Seal any leaks and ventilate the shed to prevent moisture buildup.
Bugs like to make their homes in areas that are untouched by humans and filled with dirt and debris. Sweeping or vacuuming your shed regularly can keep insects out.
Spiders are often drawn to sheds because other insects can serve as food sources for them. If you notice spiderwebs in your shed, you may also have a problem with other types of insects.
Keep Animals and Insects out
Look around your shed for gaps or holes. If you find any, even tiny ones, seal them with caulk, wire mesh, sheet metal, or concrete to keep rats, mice, and other pests out. You can keep burrowing animals out of the shed by burying chicken wire under it and extending the chicken wire at least a foot from the shed.
Gardening and landscaping tools can pick up insects or eggs that you can’t see. If you store tools in your shed, clean them before you put them away to avoid bringing insects into the shed.
What to Do If You Have a Pest Problem
If your shed is already infested with insects, identify them and use an appropriate type of insecticide. If you have children or pets, keep them away from the area after you spray insecticide to prevent accidental exposure to toxic chemicals. If animals are living in your shed, hire a professional to trap them and seal off the entry points they used to get inside.
Be Proactive
Animals and insects are attracted to sheds because the structures often ideal sources of food, water and shelter. Preventing a problem is better than trying to eradicate pests and fix damage they caused. If you have a backyard shed, follow these tips to keep pests out.