When to Consider Hiring Professional Organizers
It’s been a while since Marie Kondo’s show debuted on Netflix and we all made the valiant attempt to reorganize our space for once and for all. But most of us are not Marie Kondo, and no matter how many episodes we watched or books we read, our home eventually falls into the trap of disorganization as the months fly by. Sometimes you need to hire a professional to help you get and stay organized. Here’s how to tell if that time is now.
Your mess is so intimidating you can’t fathom doing it alone. While you might not be willing to take on the label of hoarder, you avoid having people over because you’re embarrassed of the mess. You feel a sentimental attachment to items and have trouble letting anything go. The mess has grown so large you don’t even know where to begin so you just keep avoiding it as it only continues to grow. At this point, your best bet is to hire professionals, as they can help not only with the mess and creating organization systems that will last over time, but also help get to the root of the attachment issue so you can move forward without it creeping back into your life.
You’ve done it alone before, but the mess always returns. Many of us fall into this trap. You watch the shows and read the books and buy the bins and throw out loads of items in a valiant attempt to get organized, but months pass and you buy more things and your system just doesn’t hold up over time. This is where professional organizers can shine because they can find the flaws in your system and fix them so they last, instead of falling apart after a couple of months.
You literally hate cleaning and organizing. If the thought of taking all your items out of the closet and deciding which ones to keep and which to throw away fills you with dread (or an overwhelming sense of boredom) you can get all the benefits of an organized home without all the dread just by hiring someone. Not only with they do all the sorting, heavy lifting and organizing for you, but they’ll also create a system designed to help ensure your space stays organized long term, so you never have to worry about it again.