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How Minimalism Is Taking Over Luxury Living

If you follow celebrities at all, you’ll know that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian spent millions building a home where almost every room is entirely white, and mostly empty save for some necessary furniture. It is minimalism taken to another level, and it’s a trend worth looking into for your own space.

Keep it neutral. Kimye’s home is mostly white and beige for a reason. It sounds boring, but it looks sleek. Stick with a neutral colour and layer various shades of it throughout the room to give depth and dimension. This not only creates a minimalistic and powerful look, but gives a calming effect so every room in your home leaves you feeling peaceful.

Remember the golden rule. In order for a home to be truly minimalistic, every item within it must serve the purpose of both style and function. If it only does one or the other, it’s not going to work. This presents a challenge to your designer, but it is the most vital aspect of designing a gorgeous home that isn’t filled with stuff. 

Think about texture. Since various colours are off the table for a truly minimalist look and feel, texture is the best way to add dimension and personal style to your space. Think about layering shag rugs, chunky knit blankets, and various wood and stone to make the space come to life. Mix rougher or sleeker textures with softer ones to create balance within the space.

Embrace the idea of less is more. While it can be hard to let go of that gorgeous couch you found while on a trip to Paris a few years ago, decor can become dated fast. Just because you have a sentimental memory attached to a piece, doesn’t mean it still belongs in your home. Thank it for the time it gave you and let it give someone else that sense of joy. Minimalism means starting fresh. Creating a space with this in mind only works if you’re willing to let go of as much as you can.