Unexpected Ways to Stage Your Shower for a Resort-Like Feel
While it may be cozy clawfoot tubs or lavish marble soakers that seem to snag all the real estate headlines, don’t think a perfectly functional shower can’t make prospective buyers feel like they’ve landed in a resort too. Whether it’s gently trailing vines or luxurious double shower heads, there are lots of ways you can make your shower feel luxurious to potential buyers.
Up your tile game. Yes, you could stick to neutral tiles on your shower walls and floor, but this can also be the perfect place to experiment with something a little more luxurious or evocative, especially if your shower is small. Try some Mediterranean-inspired tiles in blue and white or some with glass inlay.
Ditch the curtain. For a sleek and airy look, opt for sliding glass doors or a glass partition instead of a shower curtain. Glass shower doors can often be found at major hardware store chains and aren’t even that complicated to install.
Change up your showerhead… Installing a rain showerhead or a multi-jet system can really give your shower an edge. Buyers won’t be able to resist imagining themselves stepping in at the end of a long day and experiencing some resort-style bliss.
…Or go double. If you have the space, why not consider installing dual showerheads? Not only does this give your shower a grand feel, but it also means two partners don’t have to fight over the hot water. What could be better?
Don’t forget about greenery. A shower doesn’t have to be without houseplants. There are plenty of houseplants that love moisture and don’t mind living in a bathroom. If your shower is long enough, consider hanging a trailing vine or spider plant at the opposite end to the showerhead—where it will still be admired but not directly in the path of the faucet.