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Conor Loughran
CENTURY 21 New Millennium

Exercise Ideas to Keep Your Kids Healthy

Whether you’re stuck indoors or eager to get outside and enjoy the sunshine, these activities and exercises can keep your kids, and the whole family, engaged and healthy.

Daily Workout

Create a list of five to 10 daily exercises. Complete each workout, crossing them off as you go. Set goals to encourage them and even offer a reward for a job well done.

Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course from existing toys and sports equipment. Feature age-appropriate challenges and encourage healthy competition to strengthen the body and the mind.

Scavenger Hunt

Keep your kids active and encourage a bit of exploration from practically anywhere. Even break up into teams for some friendly competition.

Family Yoga 

Create your own quiet and calm oasis right in the comfort of your living room. Follow along to an instructor or create your own yoga program that fits each of your needs.