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How to Choose the Right Paint Color

The colors that you see on paint cans or cards in a store may not reflect the way the paint would look on your walls under different lighting.

Get a few samples and test them all in your home before you make a choice.

Choose a Color

Paint at least three colors side by side on a wall to see differences and make comparisons.

Make the sections at least 1 square foot and use two coats of paint directly on the wall or on sample sizes of drywall and tape them to a wall.

Consider Lighting 

The lighting in a room, natural or artificial, will influence the way you see a paint color.

If you will spend a lot of time in the room during the day, focus on how each paint color looks in differing amounts of natural light.

If you plan to use the room more at night, pay attention to how artificial lighting influences the way you perceive each color.