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Pinellas Waterfront Homes

Keep Your Kitchen Clutter-Free With These Tidy Tips

The kitchen tends to attract and accumulate a lot of clutter. Here are some tips to help you tidy your kitchen and keep things organized.

What Is Necessary?

Go through your kitchen and sell or donate things you don’t use.

Weeding out the items that you don’t need may free up a lot of usable space.

Assign a Home for Each Item

The kitchen is a place to store items that you use for cooking and eating, not for your keys, mail, shoes and other items.

Designate a spot for every item that belongs in and out of the kitchen.

Keep the Counters Clear 

Only keep things that you use regularly on the counters.

Create an organizational system for cabinets and drawers and consider hanging pots and pans on wall hooks.

Put Things Away 

After you use something, put it back where it belongs right away.

Get in the habit of putting things where they belong to prevent constant clutter.