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Anthony Djon

Founder and CEO  

Anthony Djon Luxury Real Estate

Troy, Michigan


Region served: Birmingham and adjacent Michigan metro area

Years in real estate: 24

Number of offices: 1

Number of agents: 100+

Please describe how Realtor.com®’s support for buyer’s agents has impacted your ability to demonstrate value to your clients.

Realtor.com has been instrumental in helping us demonstrate immense value to our clients. Their robust platform provides us with high-quality leads that are ready to engage, allowing us to quickly connect with potential buyers and understand their needs. This proactive approach has significantly improved our ability to showcase our expertise and dedication, ultimately leading to higher client satisfaction and loyalty.

Realtor.com will be launching phase 2 of the buyer agency advocacy campaign focusing on fair housing and putting a spotlight on historically underserved and marginalized groups who have additional challenges when it comes to buying homes. How do you see this initiative aligning with your goals and values as a real estate professional?

This initiative deeply resonates with our core values and mission as a real estate team. We believe in creating equal opportunities for all homebuyers and are committed to advocating for fair housing practices. Realtor.com’s focus on supporting marginalized groups aligns perfectly with our goal of fostering an inclusive and equitable market where every individual has the chance to achieve homeownership. We are excited to be part of a movement that promotes fairness and inclusivity in real estate.

What advice would you give to other buyer’s agents who are looking to leverage Realtor.com to enhance their service and join the movement supporting buyer agency?

My advice to fellow buyer’s agents is to fully utilize the comprehensive tools and resources that Realtor.com offers. Their lead generation capabilities, coupled with educational resources and marketing materials, can significantly elevate your service level. Embrace the Buyer Agency Toolkit to educate your clients about the value of buyer agency and position yourself as a knowledgeable advocate for their interests. Engaging with Realtor.com not only enhances your service, but also aligns you with a platform that is committed to the success and support of buyer’s agents.

How has Realtor.com’s Buyer Agency Toolkit helped you promote buyer agency, and which materials or strategies have been most effective for you

The Buyer Agency Toolkit has been a gamechanger for our team. The materials provided, such as customizable presentations, educational content and marketing assets, have been crucial in our efforts to promote the importance of buyer agency. We have found that the client-facing brochures and detailed guides are particularly effective in explaining the benefits of having a dedicated buyer’s agent. These tools have enabled us to build stronger relationships with our clients by clearly articulating how we protect their interests throughout the home-buying process.

For more information, please visit https://www.realtor.com/buyeragenttoolkit