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A stained bathtub can make your family and guests cringe at the thought of taking a shower. If you want to sell your house, a dirty tub can scare off potential buyers. You don’t necessarily have to spend hours scrubbing to remove stains. If you use the right cleaning method, you can have your bathroom looking spic and span in no time.

General Cleaning Tips
Before you begin to clean, remove shampoo bottles and everything else from the tub. Make sure that the bathroom is ventilated so you don’t inhale any toxic fumes. Wear gloves to protect your hands.

You don’t have to use a store-bought cleaner to make your bathtub sparkle. Natural ingredients that you already have at home can be effective. If you decide to use a commercial cleaning product, make sure that it’s compatible with the material your tub is made of. If you use a chemical cleaner that’s not meant to be used with your type of bathtub, the surface can get scratched and damaged.

How to Clean an Acrylic Bathtub
Since acrylic is a soft material, you’ll have to be careful when cleaning it. Avoid using abrasive products. Dish soap works well for regular cleaning. To get rid of tougher stains, you can use a store-bought cleaning product or a DIY mixture of vinegar and hot water. Spread it on the stained area, let it sit for 15 minutes, then spread baking soda or a commercial cleaning product over the stain. Wait up to 10 minutes, then scrub the bathtub with a sponge or brush.

How to Clean a Fiberglass Tub
To remove tough stains from a fiberglass bathtub, you can soak a towel in either hydrogen peroxide or a baking soda and vinegar paste. Place the towel over the stained area and wait an hour. Then make a solution with two parts vinegar and one part water and spray it on the tub. Wait at least 15 minutes, then scrub the stained area with a sponge.

How to Prevent Bathtub Stains
A little work every day can save you a lot of time in the long run. Turn on the fan before you take a shower, and let the fan keep running for a while after you finish bathing. That will help prevent mold and mildew. Wipe down the tub and walls after each bath or shower to remove moisture, soap scum and mineral deposits. Those simple steps can prevent stains and reduce the amount of cleaning you’ll have to do later.