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Upgrading your home’s exterior can impress prospective buyers. Even if you’re not planning to sell your house anytime soon, strategic improvements can eliminate problems and make your property work better for your family. If you have a limited budget, you’ll have to carefully decide how to spend your money. These landscaping projects tend to have a high return on investment.

Cleaning Up the Yard
It’s difficult to overstate the importance of curb appeal when selling a house. Potential buyers often refuse to get out of their cars if they don’t like the way a house looks on the outside. Not taking care of the yard can give buyers the impression that you neglected maintenance in general. They’ll assume that the inside of the house is filled with even more problems.

Mowing the lawn, filling in bare spots and getting rid of weeds can do wonders. If your yard is in poor shape or there are tasks that you can’t do yourself, hire a landscaper. A professional can fertilize the lawn, spread grass seed and address problems that you’re not equipped to handle on your own, such as insects or poor drainage. 

Trimming Trees
Branches that are damaged or decaying can do more than make your property look unattractive. A damaged tree can fall in a storm and land on your house, fence, shed or car, causing significant property damage and possibly injuring someone. If a tree in your yard falls because of neglected maintenance and damages your neighbor’s home, you can be held financially responsible. An arborist can figure out the best way to deal with damaged trees. Trimming one or more branches can often solve a problem, but sometimes an entire tree has to be cut down. Don’t try to prune trees yourself. If you make a mistake, a limb can fall and cause significant damage and injuries.

Planting Flowers and Shrubs
A colorful, well-kempt yard can immediately make a positive impression on buyers. Even if you don’t intend to sell the property, you’ll enjoy coming home to a beautifully manicured yard, and your guests will be impressed when they arrive for parties and barbecues. This is another area where a landscaper can help. Flowers and bushes need different amounts of sunlight and water. A professional can consider your region’s climate and your yard’s unique characteristics to select flowers and bushes that will thrive in those conditions.

Grass and flowers can be beautiful, but they need a lot of maintenance. Buyers are drawn to features that look attractive but don’t require much work, such as a stone walkway or patio. Adding one of those features can enhance your property’s appearance, impress buyers and help you recoup most of your investment. 

Outdoor Living Area
Homeowners like a yard where they can entertain family and friends. Adding a deck, fire pit or outdoor kitchen can make your backyard an ideal place to throw a party, and your investment can pay off in a big way when you sell your house.