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Above, Amy Lessinger

Amy Lessinger, the pioneering president of RE/MAX, is hailed as a visionary within the real estate sphere. Lessinger’s journey began over two decades ago when she entered RE/MAX at 26—rapidly progressing from agent to broker/owner of a flourishing brokerage boasting 135 agents and three offices. Amidst challenges in the male-dominated landscape, she navigated with both grit and grace. Now at the helm of the brand, Lessinger talks to RISMedia about her approach to embracing mentorship and encouraging RE/MAX agents to stay ahead in a shifting market landscape, all while nurturing a culture of inclusion and empowering women to flourish.

What challenges did you encounter, especially as a woman in a predominantly male industry?

Since selling my RE/MAX brokerage four years ago, I’ve had the great opportunity to come over to the headquarters side and use all of that experience to influence how we serve RE/MAX broker/owners, agents and homebuyers and sellers. I have a unique lens given my history, and that’s what I lean into when leading the company. I understand what agents and brokers go through every single day—from what it takes to get started and to grow, but also how to lead through change.

How do you see the real estate landscape evolving, and what strategies do you believe RE/MAX agents can employ to stay ahead in this dynamic environment?

RE/MAX agents have always been adaptable and have led the way through industry and market changes. This environment is no different. The way that agents are compensated is going through a shift, given the recent lawsuits and settlements. I see this being an opportunity for agents to differentiate themselves, articulate their value and keep winning business as they deliver positive outcomes to homebuyers and sellers throughout the world. 

As a woman who has risen to a leadership position in the real estate industry, what advice do you have for other women aspiring to pursue careers in this field? 

Each person’s journey is unique, emphasizing the importance of clarifying personal goals as the initial step toward progress. For women seeking growth, I recommend tapping into the support of other women in the industry and actively seeking mentorship opportunities. I believe in acknowledging limitations and seeking assistance, when necessary, whether in business or personal matters, to maintain a focus on areas critical for advancement.

Could you share some strategies you’ve employed to overcome gender-related challenges and achieve success in your career?

I’ve always had my mindset focused on what I can control and not what I can’t. Many agents, I think it’s 87%, leave the industry in the first year. For me, maintaining a resilient mindset and persevering through challenges has been essential for my career. Seeking advice from experienced professionals and learning from their insights has helped me grow. The real estate industry is constantly evolving, so I’ve also made it a priority to stay updated on market trends, industry regulations and new technologies.

What opportunities do you see for women in real estate today? How can companies like RE/MAX support women’s advancement in leadership and growth opportunities?

One of the reasons I’m most proud to be with the RE/MAX brand is its longstanding position as a leader in expanding opportunities for women. Since its inception, RE/MAX Co-Founders Dave and Gail Liniger welcomed women into the network, resulting in 48% of franchise owners and 53% of agents being women today. At HQ, I’m honored to be among the 55% of senior leaders who are women. To empower more women leaders, organizations can promote diversity, mentorship and equal opportunities. Offering ongoing education, flexible schedules and transparent promotion criteria accelerates progress towards success for women in the industry.

For more information, please visit https://www.remax.com/.