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The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) is once again facing accusations of sexual harassment, retaliation and workplace discrimination, with a lawsuit filed in federal court this week by a former employee alleging the organization fired her for reporting the incidents, and then failing to abide by a subsequent settlement agreement.

Roshani Sheth, a former product manager, previously spoke to the New York Times about facing racial and gendered harassment, including male superiors commenting on her body.

In the new lawsuit, Sheth claims that NAR agreed to provide a “neutral” referral to future employers after she settled the initial complaint back in December 2019. NAR would not even confirm she had worked at the organization to prospective employers, according to Sheth.

But since then, Sheth claims NAR management “made several attempts to ruin (Sheth’s) career and cause her economical and reputational harm,” creating an internal campaign to “ruin her reputation” and ensure she couldn’t get a positive reference from former colleagues.

“(Sheth) has examples of, after achieving reaching (sic) interview stages or being provided employee referrals with prospective employers, (NAR’s) influence caused (Sheth) to lose out of those opportunities,” the lawsuit reads.

She also alleges she received messages calling her a “rat” and telling her “kill yourself” following the complaints, which Sheth claimed in the lawsuit were sent by NAR employees.

Sheth is seeking just over $1 million in compensatory and punitive damages.

An NAR spokesperson said the organization “is committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. We don’t comment on matters of employment.”

Sheth or lawyers representing her could not immediately be reached for comment.

The lawsuit is just the latest of a series of accusations that roiled NAR over the last year or so, with former President Kenny Parcell at the center of much of it. Parcell resigned after the New York Times found a pattern of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior.

Notably, scrutiny of both Parcell and NAR began when another former employee, Janell Brevard, sued the organization for wrongful termination, harassment and discrimination. Brevard at one point had a consensual romantic relationship with Parcell.

It was not clear if Sheth made accusations against Parcell, or what other employees were involved in her initial complaints of harassment and discrimination. According to the lawsuit, Sheth reported the incidents to Donna Gland, former senior vice president at NAR, and Linda Russell, talent director, as well as separately to NAR’s Chief Legal Counsel Katie Johnson.

Gland was named specifically in an anonymous staff letter demanding further leadership changes in the wake of Parcell’s ouster, with the unnamed employees claiming NAR leadership was complicit in the culture of harassment.

Gland announced that she would be retiring from NAR after 38 years back in November, while Russell and Johnson continue to hold leadership roles at the association.

This is a developing story. Stay tuned to RISMedia for updates.