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Fathom Realty has announced the appointment of five new District Directors, each bringing experience, passion and dedication to their new roles. From Central Wisconsin to Montgomery, Alabama, Fathom stated that these leaders embody excellence and integrity, enriching company culture and guiding their teams toward success.

Terra Beaver 

District: Central Wisconsin 

Terra Beaver brings a genuine passion for helping others to her new role, Fathom stated. With a background in human services, Beaver worked as a substance abuse counselor and in special education before transitioning to real estate in 2014. 

Beaver joined Fathom Realty in December 2021, and obtained her broker license in 2023. Alongside her husband, Beaver formed the Lakes Region Team. Fathom stated that her commitment to prioritizing relationships over transactions is evident in her approach to real estate, and makes her a valuable addition to their leadership team. 

Deborah Brandon 

Indiana State Broker and District Director, Central Indiana 

With over 30 years of experience marketing and serving independent insurance agents across the state, Fathom stated that Deborah Brandon understands and empathizes with industry professionals’ needs and challenges. Brandon joined Fathom Realty in 2020, and her background has honed her skills in effective leadership, strategic planning and client relationship management. 

Brandon stated she is excited about the opportunity to leverage her expertise to drive the company’s growth and success. She shared that she is passionate about helping agents reach their full potential, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, and expanding Fathom’s footprint in the state. 

Jake Farr 

District: Grand Rapids, Michigan 

With a decade of experience in real estate, Fathom stated that Jake Farr brings a wealth of expertise to every transaction he handles.

Passionate about nurturing talent, Farr stated that he takes immense pride in mentoring, coaching, and training his agents, empowering them to reach their full potential. The Fathom leadership team stated they highly value Farr’s commitment to his team’s success with integrity and dedication. 

Nue Cheer Franklin 

District: Montgomery, Alabama 

Fathom stated that Nue Cheer Franklin’s legal background equips her with a deeper understanding of real estate law, allowing her to navigate complex legal issues related to real estate. 

Before her successful five-year career in real estate, Franklin was an international fashion model and has also dabbled in acting, giving her a worldly perspective. She is fluent in Spanish and English, and is proficient in American Sign Language, making her accessible to a diverse clientele. Leveraging her graduate degree in Psychology, Franklin stated she has provided counseling and support to grieving clients navigating inherited real estate matters. 

Ashley Neeley 

District: Fort Wayne, Indiana 

Ashley Neeley has been licensed since 2019 and brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her new role, Fathom stated. Joining Fathom in 2023, Neeley is a certified Fathom Agent Success Training (F.A.S.T.) Mentor and a Hometown Heroes certified agent. 

Fathom stated that Neeley’s expertise spans many property types, including single-family homes, investments, new construction, and commercial properties. She leads a successful team called The Neeley Group and focuses on working with Veteran clients.

Neeley stated that her goal as District Director is to offer full support to agents, helping them keep more of their hard-earned money while providing exceptional service to their clients.

Fathom Realty stated they welcome Terra Beaver, Deborah Brandon, Jake Farr, Nue Cheer Franklin and Ashley Neeley to their new roles and look forward to their contributions to the company’s growth and success.

For more information, visit https://fathominc.com/.