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Above, Troy Reierson 

Troy Reierson, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Arizona, California and Nevada Properties, has been in and around real estate for more than two decades—jumping feet first into the mortgage industry before moving into the technology space and ultimately getting involved with HomeServices of America via their franchise company, HSF. 

“I joined Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices to help work with mergers and acquisitions, helping build brokerages from the brand level, and lo and behold, it put me on a slide right into the brokerage business,” says Reierson, when Mark Stark—one of his clients—was looking to groom someone to take over for him.     

Being under the HomeServices roof, Reierson has been working with American Home Shield® (AHS®). From the get-go, he knew the home warranty company was something special. 

“I have a fantastic relationship with AHS. Not only are they extremely attentive, but they’re a great group of people,” says Reierson, who points to the home warranty provider’s alignment with the goals of his company as a key benefit. 

“Our relationship continues to expand because of that,” says Reierson, noting that it’s easy to work with his clients to get them to understand the level of comfort that comes with a home warranty.  

“It offers a ton of benefits,” he explains to his clients. “It’s almost like an add-on that we love having.”

Afterall, Reierson explains that a large part of his business is transacting previously-owned homes, and even though there are appraisals and inspections, they don’t catch everything.

“AHS is part of our client experience,” says Reierson. “If we’re trying to help our client identify the perfect property from the beginning so that they can move through the property and get a feel for it, we want to do what we can in case home systems and appliances breakdown.”

Reierson knows firsthand just how important a warranty service like AHS is. In fact, when he first moved to Las Vegas, he opted out of a home warranty when purchasing his home.

“At the time, it was a feeding-frenzy on homes, and being in the industry, I should have known better,” explains Reierson. “But the inspection report came back crystal-clear, and I was in a bidding war to get the house, so there was all this anxiety and adrenaline, and I did everything I could to get the house.” 

And while it was a fantastic experience for a couple of days, Reierson soon realized there were some serious problems the inspection missed, which led to having to replace two HVAC units along with countless other issues in the first 90 days. 

“There were so many pieces missed on the inspection, and I was so disappointed,” he says, “but I had no one to blame but myself for not taking that extra step.”

Reierson believes that’s why he’s so passionate about home warranties, and why he champions AHS when working with buyers and sellers. 

“Had I realized the overarching importance of having that peace of mind, it would have been a no-brainer for me,” he adds. 

When people are reluctant, just seeing another add-on to the closing cost, Reierson does what he can to educate clients about the advantages of home warranties.  

“We don’t know what we don’t know. Things can be covered up, or there can be typical age that wears on homes and things just break,” concludes Reierson. “A home warranty is a phenomenal way to help you with that peace of mind in today’s environment.” 

For more information, please visit https://www.ahs.com/realestate

New Jersey Residents: The product being offered is a service contract and is separate and distinct from any product or service warranty which may be provided by the home builder or manufacturer.