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Whether you’re dealing with managing your grocery budget or you are looking at your utility bills, there’s no doubt that budget-conscious families want to save money. Even if you feel like your budget is on point, a little extra savings can go a long way toward your vacation goals or future home renovations. These tips on saving on utility bills during the summer are sure to be helpful guides to putting a little extra money in your pocket.

Unplug Your Appliances
Even when not in use, your appliances can be using energy and contributing to a higher utility bill. The Department of Energy estimates that you can save up to $100 per year on your energy bill simply by unplugging your appliances. While some major home appliances shouldn’t be unplugged, your television sets, game consoles, coffee maker, and other items can be easily unplugged when not in use to save you money.

Go on Vacation Mode
With kids out of school, summer is the time for families to hit the road and go on vacation. Whether you’re visiting a friend or family member in another area or you are making memories at your favorite summer destination, being away from your home means there are some utility savings that can be found. Whenever you leave for an extended period of time, be sure to unplug any unnecessary appliances or items in the home and set your climate control to an eco setting. Giving your AC a rest during the hot summer months can be a boon for your pocketbook, so don’t miss this step and pay for air conditioning for an empty house.

While many people think of weatherproofing as a winter task, it is equally important during those hot summer months. Caulk and weather strip to seal off leaks, use window putty to seal gaps around loose window panes, and consider using door draft stoppers. These can greatly reduce your expenses when it comes to keeping your home cool. For older homes, look into additional savings through improved insulation in your attic, under your floorboards, around your hot water heater, or in crawl spaces. Something as simple as replacing old windows or using insulated curtains makes a big difference when it comes to keeping your home’s temperature stable without overworking your utilities.

Saving on your utility bills this summer doesn’t have to be a full-time job. A little extra thoughtfulness when it comes to your utility use can mean big savings down the road.