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There’s no doubt that summer is busy for most homeowners. Between family vacations, fun weekends at the lake, or just enjoying the sunshine in your own backyard, most homeowners don’t want to spend their whole summer on home improvement projects. That said, a few projects can go a long way to boost your ROI and keep your home maintenance on track. 

Give Your Paint a Refresh
The dry summer weather means that it’s the perfect time to tackle those exterior maintenance tasks that can’t be completed with the risk of rain. Now is a great time to refresh your home with a new coat of paint. Exterior paint not only beautifies your home significantly, but it also protects your exterior walls from damage and weatherization. Choose a color that suits your style while also keeping in mind the potential utility savings that can come from certain color choices. Struggling with your cooling bills this summer? A white or light paint option may keep your home cooler.

Organize Your Shed and Garage
Declining and organizing may not be your cup of tea, but tackling this task while the weather is nice means that you are going to have an easier time donating, hosting a yard sale, or simply getting rid of items you no longer need. Now’s the time to organize your shed or garage and make room for a workbench so you can tackle projects when the fall and winter months make it difficult to work outdoors.

Install Gutter Guards
Cleaning the gutters is a seemingly endless task throughout the fall and winter. As storms and rain cause debris to fill up your gutters, clearing gutters and downspouts becomes a task that you constantly have to maintain. Give yourself a break this year by installing gutter guards before the end of the summer to ensure that your fall and winter maintenance is easier than ever before.

Revamp Your Yard
Create a beautiful outdoor space that you can enjoy all summer long and into the colder months. Adding a covered patio, deck, or pergola can ensure that you and your family can enjoy an outdoor space even when the rainy weather starts to hit. Install a small fire pit and string lights to get the most out of the remaining warm evenings, and enjoy a cozy spot even as summer fades.