When I was a young boy I learned how to fish by baiting a hook and dropping the line in the water, and then patiently wait for the fish to come to me.
When I got older, I realized if you want to catch more fish, you have to cast a wider net, just like a funnel.
Isn’t agent recruitment the same?
Today we have an unlimited amount of technology to help us create a funnel that brings real estate agents to us including social networking, websites, email, drip campaigns, and employment advertisements. In our business we embrace technology to help us cast a larger net.
No matter what technology platform you use to engage possible recruits, one thing you must ensure is that you have a consistent message. Agents are looking for a company that can articulate their message, demonstrate the values and leadership they espouse, and a culture of inclusiveness that ultimately helps them close more deals.
1. Social Media Recruiting
Social Media Recruiting is most likely the first technology you embrace, after all aren’t most agents we know on Facebook?