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romantic_Virginia_BeachAs we begin to fete love and romance ahead of Valentine’s Day, OpenTable released its 2016 rankings of the 25 Most Romantic Cities in America.

Food trends may come and go, but our data indicates that Americans continue to have an appetite for romantic dining.  In order to provide a ranking of cities where romantic dining is inherently part of the culture, the OpenTable Most Romantic Cities Index was calculated using three variables: the percentage of restaurants rated “romantic” according to OpenTable diner reviews; the percentage of tables seated for two; and the percentage of people who dined out for Valentine’s Day last year.

“For generations, people have celebrated love by sharing a meal at enchanting, elegant restaurants,” says Caroline Potter, Chief Dining Officer of OpenTable. “The cities on this list, from the charming coastal community that is Virginia Beach to the top dining destination of Chicago, are those in which deliciously romantic dinners are de rigueur for couples in all stages of courtship.”

The following cities, listed in order, comprise the 2016 25 Most Romantic Cities in America. The complete list may also be viewed here.

2016 25 Most Romantic Cities in America

  1. Virginia Beach, Va.
  2. Newport, R.I.
  3. Milwaukee, Wis.
  4. Atlantic City, N.J.
  5. Santa Fe, N.M.
  6. Birmingham, Ala.
  7. Oklahoma City, Okla.
  8. Omaha, Neb.
  9. St. Louis, Mo.
  10. Colorado Springs, Colo.
  11. Baltimore, Md.
  12. San Antonio, Texas
  13. Annapolis, Md.
  14. Madison, Wis.
  15. Fort Worth, Texas
  16. Greenville, S.C.
  17. Memphis, Tenn.
  18. Louisville, Kentucky
  19. Savannah, Ga.
  20. Austin, Texas
  21. Tulsa, Okla.
  22. Greensboro, N.C.
  23. Chicago, Ill.
  24. Lexington, Kentucky
  25. Columbus, Ohio

Source: OpenTable
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