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Spring is a time for renewal both for ourselves and our homes. It’s also a great reminder to check key areas around the home for defects or repairs.

Here’s a handy checklist from the nationwide experts at Pillar To Post Home Inspectors.


  • Check ceiling and surfaces around windows for evidence of moisture
  • Check caulking around showers, bathtubs, sinks and toilet base
  • Verify ceiling areas beneath bathrooms have no leakage
  • Ensure all stairs and railing do not have any loose sections
  • Test all fire and safety systems regularly, including carbon monoxide (CO) detectors
  • Know the location of all gas shut-off valves

Heating & Cooling

  • Clean or change furnace filters every three months of operation
  • Lubricate fan and motor bearings (only where indicated)
  • Check fan belt tension and listen for unusual noises
  • Keep area around heating and cooling equipment clear
  • For boiler systems, check water level and shut-off valve for leaks
  • Have system serviced annually prior to the start of the season

Doors & Windows

  • Look for loose or missing glazing putty
  • Check caulking for deterioration at the openings and joints between dissimilar materials (e.g. wood and masonry)
  • Check weather stripping
  • Check for broken glass and damaged or missing screens
  • Inspect all window and door hardware


  • Check for any missing, loose or damaged shingles
  • Look for open seams, blisters, bald areas on flat roofs
  • Clean gutters, strainers and downspouts. Make sure downspouts divert water away from the foundation.
  • Verify the attic has no evidence of any leaks
  • Check flashing (sheet metal placed on joints of the roof to prevent water seepage) around all surface projections, sidewalls and protrusions
  • Trim back all tree limbs and vegetation away from the roof
  • Check fascia (board or roof trim) and soffits (connecting the roof overhang and the side of your building)  for deterioration and damage

Foundation & Exterior

  • Check foundation walls and floors for cracking, heaving, spalling, deterioration or efflorescence
  • Inspect chimney for loose, deteriorated or missing mortar or bricks
  • Check grading for proper slope away from the foundation
  • Verify basement and crawlspace has no moisture or leaks
  • Check all wood surfaces for weathering and paint failure
  • Inspect all decks, patios, porches, stairs and railings for deterioration
  • Cut back and trim all vegetation from structures

For more information, visit