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PrintFor Kimberly Yates, a real estate professional with the Yates Estates Team, the most rewarding part of working in the real estate industry is being of service. With 10 years of real estate experience behind her, today, Yates oversees a team of 15 agents in the greater Atlanta, Ga., area. From listing homes to training new agents, Yates enjoys helping people transition into the next stage of their lives, whether it’s finding their dream home or launching a successful real estate career.

One way the Georgia resident helps both her clients and her agents is through her partnership with American Home Shield (AHS®) , a home warranty company that offers a variety of comparative warranty plans that fit an array of needs, from minor appliance repairs to major home systems. AHS works with agents to support both the buyer and the seller during the listing period and beyond.

“My first real estate listing had an AHS home warranty on it, and it was put to use,” says Yates. “I knew it was beneficial from the very first one.” Yates originally chose the company because they’ve been in the industry for over 40 years, have excellent name recognition and a trail of stellar service. An AHS devotee, Yates has been working with the same warranty representative since that first listing 10 years ago, and enjoys that the company is consistent with both their high-quality products and service—they assign a contractor to a job within 15 minutes or less, 90 percent of the time. This alone goes a long way toward offering both Yates and her clients peace of mind throughout the process.

“A home warranty gives buyers a sense of comfort, especially when they’re buying a home that is a resale,” says Yates, who has an AHS warranty on her own home. While new construction is continuing to ramp up in Yates’ market, home warranties offer a sense of security for buyers purchasing a previously owned property. They know if something should go wrong after the sale, they have someone to rely on.

“My clients are always asking for recommendations for contractors or home service professionals,” says Yates, “and I would much rather direct them to their AHS representative for a referral. That way, my clients get the service they need, but I’m not held liable for those recommendations. It really helps me help them.”

This isn’t the only scenario where having access to AHS helps Yates assist her clients. According to Yates, her relationship with AHS aids her sellers when they’re negotiating, or when there’s a need for post-inspection repairs. In addition, AHS provides buyers and sellers access to an 800 number they can call for so many services. “One call, and that’s all,” says Yates. “There’s no need for anything more.”

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