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RISMedia Power Broker Events 2017

Orlando, Fla.
Friday, November 3, 2017

Check back for forthcoming information on RISMedia’s 21st annual Power Broker Events. See below for highlights from last year’s event.

RISMedia’s 21st Annual Power Broker Forum

Building a Sustainable Brokerage Business

Friday, November 13, 2015
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Room 28A
San Diego Convention Center

A panel of leading brokerage executives share strategies for reinventing the real estate brokerage business in order to build long-term success that withstands market fluctuations.


Featherston_John_85x100 John Featherston,
President & CEO,
Romero_David_85x100 David Romero,
President & CEO,
CENTURY 21 Award
Davidson_Rick_85x100 Rick Davidson,
President & CEO,
Century 21 Real Estate LLC
Tognoli_Tom_85x100 Tom Tognoli,
Founder, President & CEO,
Intero Real Estate Services,
a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate
O'Connor_Pam_85x100 Pam O’Connor,
Leading Real Estate Companies of the World
Hoby_Hanna_85x100 Howard W. “Hoby” Hanna, IV, President, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
O'Connor_Pam_85x100 Kuba Jewgieniew,
Realty ONE Group
O'Connor_Pam_85x100 Randy Courtney,
Courtney Valleywide Properties

Click here to read more about our Power Broker Forum speakers.

RISMedia’s 20th Annual Power Broker Reception & Dinner*

Honoring the Top 500 Brokers in RISMedia’s Annual Power Broker Report & Survey

Friday, November 13, 2015
7 p.m.
Hilton San Diego Bayfront

Special Guest Speaker: Ben Stein

Stein Ben

Ben Stein is the most famous economics teacher in America. His comedic role as the droning economics teacher in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” has been ranked as one of the 50 most famous scenes in movie history. In real life, Stein is a powerful speaker on economics, politics, education and history.

Stein has a bachelor’s with honors in economics from Columbia, studied econ at the graduate level at Yale, and is a graduate of Yale Law School (valedictorian of his class by election of his classmates in 1970). Stein has been a poverty lawyer for the poor in New Haven, Conn., a trade regulation lawyer for the FTC, a speech writer for both Presidents Nixon and Ford, a columnist and an editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal, and a teacher of law and economics at UC Santa Cruz (undergrad) and Pepperdine (law school and undergrad).

Stein has written or co-written roughly 30 books with his brilliant colleague Phil DeMuth, including, “Yes, You Can Time The Market,” as well as a column about economics for The New York Times. Stein co-hosted the show, “Win Ben Stein’s Money” with Jimmy Kimmel, which won seven Emmys, including Best Game Show host. Presently, he writes a column for The American Spectator and for NewsMax, and is a regular commentator on Fox News and on CBS Sunday Morning, as well as a frequent commentator on CNN.

*The Power Broker Reception & Dinner is an invitation-only event.