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(TNS)–If you enjoy cleaning, then you’ll have a blast using a pressure washer.

Although you’ve probably used a pressure washer to remove stains from the side of your home or walkway, you may not realize they offer far more uses than cleaning siding (although they’re great for that, too).

You can pressure wash all sorts of items around the house. So, pick a warm, sunny day and head outside to tackle some overdue cleaning projects.

  1. Cars and trucks

Use a pressure washer to remove dirt from a car or truck — especially the wheel wells and undercarriage — where dirt and grime tend to build up.

Just make sure not to use a high-powered setting, or the car’s clear coat or paint might come off.

Motorcycles, RVs and most other types of motorized vehicles can also be cleaned with pressure washers.

  1. Boats

Just like your vehicle, pressure washers will also take the dirt and algae off the exterior of boats. Again, don’t use too high of a setting.

  1. Outdoor furniture

Outdoor furniture gets extremely dirty, especially if you don’t store it away for the winter. Pressure washing can make your outdoor furniture look like new again.

  1. Decks and patios

Just like your home, car and driveway, decks and patios take a beating from Mother Nature, dirt and debris.

Pressure washing a deck or patio can remove dirt and grime and return it to its original color. You might be surprised what a difference it makes.

  1. Fencing

Fences — whether wooden, vinyl or aluminum — can be cleaned with a pressure washer.

  1. Garage door, floor and driveway

Driveways and garage floors take a lashing from constant driving, while oil and fluid leaks cause staining. Use a pressure washer to easily eliminate these markings.

  1. Grills

Grills get caked in grease and grime and can be extremely difficult to clean. Before pressure washing, make sure to detach any propane or electrical hookups.

  1. Lawn mower and lawn equipment

Lawn mowers and yard equipment get very dirty after a full year of use. A pressure washer can remove all of the dirt and grass and get them ready for spring or winter storage.

  1. What’s in that tree?

Puzzled how to get that football out of the tree? A pressure washer just might be the answer.

Tom Moor is a reporter at Angie’s List.

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