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Elegantly designed exterior landscapes can greatly enhance the appearance, curb appeal and market value of almost any home or property. Even large-scale landscaping projects can often be completed with relatively little cost and may add several thousands of dollars to the market price of a home or other property. Advanced options, such as hardscaping installations, xeriscaping or more ambitious layouts and designs are more than able to pay for themselves should homeowners ever decide to sell their home or investment property.

The Importance of Curb Appeal
Even the most attractive homes may still lack curb appeal. Professional landscaping designs and exterior renovations often provide the single most effective way for homeowners to create and maintain the level of curb appeal needed to enhance the market value of a property. Landscaping maintenance and installation services can be a valuable resource for homeowners seeking to protect their investment.

Landscaping Projects are Among the Most Cost-Effective Home Renovation Projects
Curb appeal projects can provide a significant return on investment for home and property owners. In addition to costing far more, interior renovations and home upgrades may do little to improve the overall impression a property is able to make on prospective buyers. While interior renovation projects can be beneficial for creating a more comfortable home or optimizing the market value of an investment property, interior upgrades often fail to provide the level of results that professional landscaping designs may be able to offer.

Restoring and Maintaining Existing Hardscape Installations
While often less costly than interior renovations, landscaping upgrades may still come with a hefty price tag. Restoring existing stone work, professional surface and grout cleaning and other maintenance services that may improve the appearance of existing hardscape materials can significantly reduce overall costs. Professional maintenance services can provide property owners with a more affordable way to improve curb appeal by restoring a faded or neglected landscape to its former glory. Professional maintenance services can even be of benefit for those undertaking a radical redesign of their landscape. Incorporating existing installations into a new design or restoring and reusing landscaping materials can provide a level of savings that few property owners can afford to overlook.

Working With the Right Professional
From basic upgrades and maintenance solutions to more ambitious landscaping designs and complex renovations, the services and assistance of a qualified and experienced professional can be a key asset. Property owners often lack the tools, expertise and resources needed to tackle large-scale landscaping renovation projects on their own. Working alongside the right professional can provide superior results and ensure that homeowners are not forced to make due with a limited range of designs, options or solutions. Dealing with the wrong landscaper or overlooking the service providers that may have more to offer can be a very costly mistake.

Creating the Best Exterior Landscapes
Elegant landscaping design, hardscaping installation or restoration services that make the home more attractive can all make a huge difference. Property owners who overlook the importance of curb appeal may find themselves hard pressed to enhance the overall value of their investment. Landscaping projects that may be completed for a fraction of the cost of a room addition or other interior renovation provide a proven and effective way to add thousands of dollars to the market value of a home. The addition of hardscaped walkways, terraced landscaping or stone borders can do much to improve the overall appearance of a home.

This post was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. Blog.rismedia.com. Check the blog daily for real estate tips and trends.