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As children, we were probably all obsessed with a certain cartoon, book or even a video game. We yearned to have our world be taken over by our favorite fictional universe, if only just our bedroom. This type of dream haunts you throughout your life if it goes unfulfilled—kind of like never getting to throw that princess tea party-themed birthday you always wanted.

You forget about this trauma as you grow older and as the nuances of life get in the way. That is until you’re flipping channels one day and land on one of those home redecorating shows that always spend the most screen time redecorating the children’s bedrooms (because, obviously, even the decorators suffered from the unfulfilled dream-bedroom wish!).

And then you see it. A spaceship bed with spaceship lamps, and spaceship rugs, and spaceship everything! But you’re 30, and you ask yourself “what now?”

Well, you could live vicariously through your children and give them your childhood bedroom of dreams. Or you could buy them for yourself. The important thing is that you can buy them, even if it’s just for decoration!

Circu is a furniture company that believes in “having a magical day,” and they manufacture what may be the cutest kids’ bedroom furniture in all of the land. The best part is you don’t have to take my word for it. I’ve brought photographic evidence.

Want a clam bed? You got it. Look at it in all its grace:


Not afraid of heights? Here’s a hot air balloon bed that’s literally up in cloud nine:


Too young to drive? You can still live in this van…like the Boxcar Children.




And these aren’t your only options. There’s also a skyrocket armchair you can get called the “Rocky Rocket.” Then, you can build up the ambiance of your space armchair with some moon rugs to boot. The furniture also comes with built-in sound and light systems to make the dream even more real. (How well-suited for the Peter Pan generation, right?)

Honestly, if these beds can fit adults, I want all of them.

Source | Circu.net

This post was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. Check the blog daily for top real estate tips and trends.