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As a busy real estate professional, you’re likely most productive when you’re away from your desk and out meeting with clients, showing homes and presenting your home marketing plan to potential sellers. Luckily, technology has made it possible to run your business from anywhere with the help of your smartphone or tablet. Perhaps that’s why, according to NAR’s 2015 Member Profile, 91 percent of real estate agents rely on their smartphones every day to help them stay connected to their businesses and clients.

If you’re running your business from a smart device, a mobile-centric Client Relationship Management (CRM) system is essential to build the relationships that drive your success. After all, when you work by referral, your calling card is the great service you offer your clients. Your CRM should allow you to raise the bar on the services you offer while increasing your productivity.

Improve your client relationships. Relationships are built on trust and honesty and your relationships with your clients are no different. A mobile-based CRM, like Referral Maker® Mobile, allows you to upload your contacts in the field with one click, add notes about your clients to file later and access their details quickly so you can refresh your memory before a big meeting or appointment.

Stay on top of your tasks for the day. When you’re busy, it’s difficult to remember everything you have to get done. A mobile-based CRM helps you manage your daily to-dos and see what’s on your agenda so you can stay organized. It also allows you to track your daily activities so you know how close you are to reaching your goals.

Take advantage of down time. Although you may have days where you’re driving from one listing appointment to the next, there’s surely some downtime in between meetings. A mobile-based CRM lets you know who to contact each day, whether it’s by phone or in-person. And, with the help of GPS, you can locate clients who live nearby and pop in on them with a small, thoughtful gift.

Get more done, even when you don’t have an internet connection. When you’re on the road, your internet connection is sometimes spotty at best, making it hard to get things done on an internet-based CRM. With a mobile-based CRM, you can work offline and know that your data will automatically sync when you’re online again.

We saw a need for a mobile CRM app that could help agents work more efficiently by referral when away from the office. Available for iOS- and Android-powered smartphones and tablets, we recently launched the Referral Maker® CRM mobile app with an improved and more intuitive interface and a cleaner, updated design. Access your database, as well as your daily lead-generating tasks, from wherever you happen to be. You’ll always have your finger on the pulse of your business, even when you’re away from your desk or office. We’re continuing to update and improve the app so you can be more productive and provide your clients the best service possible.

For more information, visit www.buffiniandcompany.com.