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Moving to a new home is one of the most exciting life experiences there is. For you. But when one of your friends is moving and asks you to help, there’s not enough free pizza in the world! But you say yes anyways because you don’t really have an excuse not to lend a hand.

Not anymore.

This excuse generator provides random, funny excuses to get you out of waking up early on a Saturday to He-Man your friend’s massive king-sized bed and antique hutch. Like:


Seriously. Who likes lifting things anymore? The only thing I want to lift on the weekend is my Roku remote and maybe a beer or six.

The excuse generator also takes this a step further, finding you a real event near your friend’s moving date, in order to get you out of that tight predicament of being a good person.


OK, for the record, if I told my friends I had Barbra Streisand tickets, that would open up a whole, new world of problems. Or my moving friend would see right through that malarkey. However, you get the idea. EXCUSES ARE AMAZING.

According to the geniuses at HireAHelper, they’ll even make this excuse ironclad for you if you call their Moving Excuse Hotline at (888) 688-3287. One of their highly trained Excuse Experts (LOL) will even help you book tickets to the event of your choosing!

Praise the internet – for you will never have to help a friend move ever again! (Seriously, you can just buy your own pizza and beer at this point.)

This post was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. Check the blog daily for top real estate tips and trends.
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