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Regardless of the size of your kitchen remodel, adding an island to your design is one of the best things you can do to make your home more livable. There are many ways to fit an island into your kitchen. Here are some types of kitchen islands to consider:

1) Go traditional.

If you have a small kitchen, you may not think you have room for a separate island. But even spatially limited kitchens have space for an island. Choose an appropriately sized island that blends well with the rest of the room.

The blend-in strategy works best for small kitchens, so choose colors and materials that are similar to what you already have. Whether you blend a butcher-block kitchen island into a wood-grain kitchen or select a small, black granite island to complement your black and white kitchen, you will end up with a stunning result.

2) Add more storage.

Many older kitchens suffer from two distinct, but interrelated, problems: a lack of room and a lack of storage space. You can solve both problems by converting an old table into a stunning kitchen island. Just add some storage shelves underneath one side of the table and some barstools to the other side.

You can top off your new kitchen island with a stunning butcher block or sturdy granite top. This idea works well in all kinds of kitchens – just choose a smaller table for a tiny kitchen and a larger one for a roomier space.

3) Build in versatility.

One of the smartest things you can do is make your kitchen island versatile enough to serve a variety of different uses. Position your island to help with meal prep, provide additional storage space and even offer a place for your children to do their homework.

You can please everyone by using various bench heights in your new kitchen island. Higher barstools will allow your kids to do their homework, while low-slung benches will help you to prepare meals or enjoy a romantic dinner with your significant other.

4) Create a private area.

Whether you want to give the kids a private space to do their homework or create a cozy cooking nook for yourself, you can use your kitchen island to create a sense of privacy and block off a new space.

You can use your kitchen island to create a sense of openness. But sometimes it can do the opposite. If your kitchen is already fairly open, walling off a corner is a great way to restore a sense of privacy.

5) Use it for cooking.

Kitchen islands also provide extra room for prep work. Be sure to choose an island that can withstand sharp objects and hot pots and pans. A butcher-block counter, for example, is great for cutting up meats and baking prep work.

You can use your kitchen island in many different ways. Whether your kitchen is small and cozy or large and open, you can design a kitchen island that fits your needs, brings your family together and enhances the livability and value of your home.

This post was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. Check the blog daily for top real estate tips and trends.