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In this interview, Pillar To Post Home Inspectors President Dan Steward shares ways your clients who are looking to sell this fall can get their home ready for prime time.

Q: For clients looking to sell this fall, what can they do to get their home in tip-top shape?

Dan Steward: While spring is usually designated as the best time to put a home on the market, fall is also a lovely season to show a home.

Clean Up the Exterior
It’s well-known that outdoor space is one of the top five most important factors for buyers, however, forgetting to clean up the yard is the No. 1 place sellers often drop the ball when preparing their home for sale. If you’re lucky enough to have magnificent trees on your property, spend a few dollars and get them trimmed so that they look their best.

Some of the most important fall clean-up tasks that should be completed include:

-Raking leaves
-Removing loose sticks
-Weeding flower beds
-Trimming flowers, bushes and shrubs
-Aerating the lawn
-Cleaning gutters
-Painting the exterior of the house, even if you can only afford to do the trim
-De-cluttering, both inside and out

Cozy-up the Interior
Since you’re selling a home in the fall, it’s a great time to use scents to make the space more inviting. Some ways to introduce a fall scent include:

-Brewing a fresh pot of pumpkin coffee
-Boiling cinnamon sticks
-Burning fall scented candles

Another important tip to prepare for showings during the fall season is to make sure you turn on all the lights. Since the number of daylight hours in the fall decreases, it’s more likely your home will be shown when it’s dark. Having all the lights on for showings will make the home appear larger and more cheerful.

For more information visit www.pillartopost.com.