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With Labor Day weekend behind us, September is in full swing; kids are going back to school, summer vacation is over and it’s back to business.  Luckily, this month we had the opportunity to talk to an industry vet whose 11 years in the business is enough to time to know that as great as technology is, you can’t forget about the basics.  Below is a recap of our conversation with Sheri Hutchinson.

Q:  As a real estate agent for over 11 years, what keeps you motivated?
 I have been fortunate to work in the area I grew up in.  I’ve really seen the growth of the Mt. Dora area (which is about 45 minutes outside Orlando) and had the ability to build and maintain a lot of great relationships throughout my time here.  Those relationships aren’t necessarily about real estate. In fact, I look at real estate as by product of what I do, which is what keeps me motivated, and that’s helping people.  I have a passion for helping people and I think that shows; both to the people I work with and have worked for as well those relationships I’ve cultivated over my time here in this area.  For me, it’s about more than just the transaction, it’s about helping someone through the transaction.

Q: Are you using any specific technologies that compliment your relationship-based approach to real estate?
Yes, earlier this year EXIT Realty Corp International began providing a Mobile Business Card™ to all their brokers and associates as part of the technology offering and it’s phenomenal!  Being that I like to think of myself as a “boots on the ground kinda gal” this technology is perfect for me.  No matter where I am, who I’m with, what I’m doing, I always have the ability to share my Mobile Business Card™ with people I meet.  They can save my info right into their phonebook, it links to all my listings and website and best of all, I get their contact info at the same time.  This tool is a perfect fit for me since I’m always out networking, working with charities and local organizations and playing billiards.  

Q:  You’re motivated to help people and you spend a good amount of time working with charities. Is there one specific charity you’d like to highlight?
 Yes, Team Rubicon, it’s a phenomenal organization that unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.  With all the intense weather we’ve had down south so far this year, most recently the flooding in Louisiana, it’s a great cause with great people who are eager to get out there and help.  If anyone’s interested they can go to www.teamrubiconusa.org for more information and of course, any support is greatly appreciated.

Q: So this has been a bit different than our typical Talking Tech Segment – anything else you’d like to add?
“Typical” isn’t a word I strive to be associated with, so no harm there.  While I value the role technology plays in my business, it’s not the focal point, neither is the transaction that ultimately occurs.  For me it’s the about the people I help and the relationships I am able to foster and maintain along the way.

Final Thought:  While we emphasize the role technology plays in today’s real estate industry because of the enormous shift it’s had on consumer behavior, we cannot overlook the human in the behavior.  Ultimately it’s a human business that will stand the test of time based on the relationships you build and the service you provide to the people you’re fortunate enough to work with along the way.

Sheri Hutchinson has built her real estate practice around offering personal, one-to-one help with what many refer to as the biggest financial decision of your life.  Her reputation is built on client satisfaction and devotion to making your move as easy as possible.  Sheri is an Associate with EXIT Realty Tri County in Mt. Dora, Fla.

If you’d like to participate in Talking Tech contact:  Seth Kaplan at Seth@mobilerealestateid.com.

For more information, visit www.mobilerealestateid.com.