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Moving to a new locale can be very beneficial. At a new locale, you can take advantage of a fresh change of scenery which may also bring better employment opportunities, affordable housing and increased safety. When looking to move, there are six states that rank among the best to live in. Experience a high-quality of life in the following states.

One of the best states to move to is Idaho. This is part of the Pacific Northwest which is among the most livable regions in the United States. In Idaho, you will be able to get lots of quality housing. In fact, Idaho homes are among the most affordable in the entire nation. As well as affordable housing, Idaho has plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and employment. Residents are also able to take advantage of amenities such as restaurants and shops along with enjoying life in an area with very low crime.


Another ideal state to move to is Washington. This state has one of the top major cities in terms of economy and outdoor recreation. In Seattle, you can enjoy quality living with lots of amenities such as biking and hiking. The rest of Washington offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and entertainment. There is also affordable housing as well.


Utah is among the best places to live for many people. This state also has lots of outdoor recreation opportunities like skiing. It also has good employment opportunities as well as affordable housing. Another great thing about Utah is that it is one of the safest states in America with its very low crime rate.


When looking to move to a state that offers high quality living, Texas ranks as among the best. In Texas, the economy is very prosperous and therefore, people can take advantage of a number of good employment opportunities. In addition to good employment opportunities, Texas also offers quality housing that is very affordable and nice weather year round. Texas is a great place to live if you are looking for a well-balanced lifestyle.

North Carolina

Individuals and families who are looking for a nice place to live will benefit by considering North Carolina. This is one of the Mid-Atlantic states that offers a very pleasant lifestyle for many. In this state, you can take advantage of some of the most affordable housing options on the east coast. There are also a good amount of employment opportunities in the major cities such as Charlotte and Raleigh. Residents can also take advantage of quality education as there are a number of top colleges and universities in the state as well.

Virginia is among the top states to live due to its high-quality education, employment opportunities, and also its low cost of living. In Virginia, residents can attend a number of high-quality educational institutions in both compulsory and higher education. There are also a number of good jobs available in some of the most in demand fields. Virginia offers plenty of amenities such as restaurants and shops along with outdoor recreation.

When looking to get the most out of life, moving to a new locale is one of the first steps you should take. Fortunately, there are a number of great states in our country for your family to live.

This post was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. Check the blog daily for top real estate tips and trends.