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In the past, real estate investment has been a male-dominated arena. However, as more and more women gain financial independence, they are moving into the real estate market at rapid speed. Below are a few reasons why women make good real estate investors.

  1. Women tend to be more comfortable with longer-term investing than men, and the purchase of a home is a long-term investment. Surprisingly, lenders still get away with charging women borrowers a higher interest rate, despite their superior mortgage re-payment record. (Gender bias lives on in many forms.)
  1. Single women want to purchase a home because it is an asset they understand. It is tangible and they can enjoy the value of it immediately as they live day to day.
  1. Because a woman’s home is a metaphor for security, her mortgage is likely the first bill she will pay monthly. If economics get tight, other payments might go by the wayside, but not that all-important symbol of security.

Single women need to:

  • Carefully establish a realistic spending plan prior to purchasing a home so they can determine how much they can afford to spend, as well as how much they need for a down payment to reduce the financial risk of owning the home.
  • Consider for how long they intend to live in the home, ensuring that purchasing makes better financial sense than renting.
  • Be sure they have a high credit score to ensure eligibility for the best mortgage interest rates.
  • Shop around for a mortgage lender who does not charge women more than men to borrow money for a home purchase.

No matter how perfect a home might seem, there is always another equally perfect home out there. Never, ever, overspend on the purchase of a home. This mistake is expensive—some folks never recover financially from making it. Appreciation of the value of your home is never guaranteed, even when it is in a great location.

Joslyn G. Ewart is the founding principal of Entrust Financial LLC and author of “Balancing Act: Wealth Management Straight Talk for Women.

This was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. Visit the blog daily for housing and real estate tips and trends.
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