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Active kids require bedroom and playroom furniture that is tough enough, and adaptable enough, to offer years of fun and flexibility throughout a child’s toddler and early school years—and manufacturers are meeting those needs with a growing number of choices.

Children’s room furniture designs previewed at a recent show included pieces new or improved for 2017:

DaVinci-Kalani 4-Way Bed – This flexible bed with a $199 price tag converts from full-sized crib to toddler bed and then daybed, or, with the aid of an optional conversion kit, to a full-sized bed your child can sleep in until he goes off to college. It’s made of solid wood that wipes clean with soap and water.

Million-Dollar Baby 4-Way Bed – With its carved posts and classic arches, this $399 model made of New Zealand pine adds plenty of style and flair as it converts from crib to toddler and/or full-sized bed. It’s available in Espresso or Grey and is carried at Target stores. Conversion kits are sold separately.

Chicco Urban 6-in-1 Modular Stroller – While the $399 price tag may seem daunting, this versatile product is a stylish and complete solution for baby’s changing needs. Comes with a click-in car seat adapter for Chicco’s top-rated Keyfit infant car seat, and converts to an infant carriage, toddler stroller, and more.

Crayola Wooden Table and Chair Set – Budding young artists deserve a workspace as bright and colorful as their artwork. At a cost of about $90, the set features chair backs shaped like Crayola crayons, and each table corner has a fabric pocket to hold art supplies. Flip over the erasable whiteboard top and a black chalkboard surface awaits.

Little Tykes Picnic Style Set with Umbrella – This indoor-outdoor polystyrene set features bench seating and an umbrella to shield your kiddos from the sun. Bonus: It’s inexpensive at under $50, lightweight enough to move easily, and folds flat for storage when not in use.

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