One of the biggest complaints of many buyers and sellers is their real estate agent stopped contacting them once the transaction was closed. Although agents who work by referral continue to keep in touch with their clients long after the ink is dry, it’s all-too-easy to lose touch with people in your database.
It happens every day—you get busy and then what you mean to do falls by the wayside when an unexpected challenge arises. Before you know it, you’ve forgotten to call a client to check in or write them a note to let them know you’re thinking of them.
Remember, connecting with your clients is the best and easiest way to generate leads for your business, and at this time of year, there’s nothing more important than sowing the seeds for future business. Here’s how:
Call them. Getting in touch is as simple as picking up the phone. It’s not necessary to have a lengthy conversation with your clients. Give them a quick call to touch base, see how they’ve been and look for a need to fill. Also, take the opportunity to remind them you’re never too busy for their referrals. Remember to update their record in your database once you’ve hung up; make note of any changes in their lives—a marriage, a new baby, a new job, renovations they’re considering, etc.—so you can reference those things in future conversations.
Write a note. Don’t we all love getting personal mail that isn’t a bill? In our digital age, receiving a letter or note is always a welcome surprise, and will often be tucked away or saved. Write your clients a note to let them know you’re thinking of them, and be sure to send one after you speak with them on the phone or meet with them in person. Few business professionals do this, so it’ll differentiate you from your competition.
Invite them to coffee or lunch. Breaking bread with your clients is a great way to catch up and build lasting relationships. Give them a call and see if they’re available for coffee or lunch at their favorite restaurant. Keep the tone of your conversation light and, again, listen for ways you can serve.
Send a short video via email. Video offers an opportunity to connect with your clients in a different way. Send a video about the home-buying process to your current buyers or update your sellers on your progress helping them find the right buyer for their home. After you host an open house, record a short video and send it to those who attended. Or, record a short video to thank your all-star clients for their business and referrals.
Send a helpful article via email or social media. While you should be intentional about the amount of time you spend on social media, the medium does provide a powerful opportunity to informally communicate with your clients. Post an interesting article about real estate on a client’s Facebook wall or tag them in a tweet. Not only are you providing valuable information; you’re also showing you’re thinking of them.
When you work by referral, your relationships drive your business and provide a steady stream of business and referrals. By communicating with your clients consistently, you build and deepen your relationships with them. If you’re not sure how to start the conversation, we’ve created a resource to help. Click here to download it and remember to refer to it often—and update your CRM after you connect with your clients to ensure you always have their most recent information and updates at hand.
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